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This transmittal is a low-resolution terrain data base in southern California suitable for use with meteorological and atmospheric data from the Master Environmental Library (MEL).
Oceanside covers most of a 1-degree by 1-degree area
just north of San Diego that includes MCB Camp Pendleton. It is approximately
87 km by 107 km in size.
Digital elevation data for the terrain was derived from the US Geological Survey�s new National Elevation Data Set (NED). This seamless one arc-sec (approximately 30 meter) digital elevation data represents a significant enhancement to the previous USGS 7.5-min DEM products. You can download up to 10 Mb or less for free from the USGS Seamless Data Distribution System. Larger NEDs are available for a nominal cost.
The California Department of Fish and Game provided digital bathymetric data. Medium-resolution vector coastline data (designed for use at 1:70,000) was obtained from NOAA National Geophysical Data Center. The California Department of Fish and Game has used diverse sources to compile digital bathymetric models off the California coast covering the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) (two hundred miles off-shore) and more. Depending on the source data and other factors, over six million point soundings have been interpolated to generate 5, 25, 50, 100 and 200 meter gridded data. The Oceanside project area included data provided on 25, 50 and 200 meter grids.
Each of the terrestrial and bathymetric data sets was imported into the ArcInfo geographic information systems, resampled on to a common 25 meter grid in a UTM projection, and exported to TerraTools in GridASCII format. TerraTools used this gridded surface and the vector coastline data to create an integrated TIN terrain data.
Both gridded and polygonal data sets are provided in the download.
Gridded Data
DRM Classes Used:
Polygons: 362782
Area: 9523 km2
DRM Classes Used:
This data set is compliant with SEDRIS 4.1.x.
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